Welcome to Tahosa (Off Season)

Guidelines for Off Season Camping

Unit Camping Reservations for camping at Tahosa can only be made online and at www.scoutingcolorado.org/camping/yearroundcamping. Payment must be made online during the reservation process. All camping and activities must take place in the lower meadow. No cabins or facilities are available for rental. All campsites are in the lower meadow on the north side of County Road 96.  Access to Tumblesome Lake, Chapel and other facilities on the south side of County Road 96 is restricted. At this time, Camp Tahosa is not an approved camp for Cub Scout camping. Only Scouts BSA units, Venture Crews, and Sea Scout Ships are allowed overnight usage.

A Unit Roster of participants must be sent to the Greater Colorado Council camping office to jolynne.conrad@scouting.org prior to your arrival at Camp Tahosa. The roster must include contact information for all adults and youth who are participating in the activity or camp out. Roster information must include participants name, participants parent or secondary contact (spouse, etc.) name and phone number. GCC must know who is on the property.

Troops coming to camp must provide adequate adult leadership (at least 2 adults over the age of 21) and must adhere to the guidelines set forth by the Guide to Safe Scouting and Youth Protection.

There are no open fires allowed at any time.  Cooking may be done by charcoal or liquid fueled stoves (propane or white gas).

Latrines and picnic tables are available in the campsites. Each campsite will hold up to 40 people. Water is not available and must be packed in.

There are no shelters available in the event of inclement weather. Low impact camping is encouraged. You must pack out everything that you bring to camp, including trash. All vehicles are to remain on the roads. No parking is allowed in the campsites. No pets, fireworks, firearms, illegal drugs or alcoholic beverages are allowed at camp at any time. Smoking is not allowed in the tents.

No Rangers or Campmasters are on property. Roads will not be plowed and may be impassable during the winter months. Please be aware that if you are on property and the roads are impassable, it is your responsibility to seek help. Council help will not be available. In cases of emergency, please call 911.

Reservation Instructions

Reservations for camping at Tahosa must be made online and at the Council Service Center, 10455 W. 6th Avenue, Ste., 100 in Denver. You may request specific campsite, but requests will be filled on a first come, first served basis. The Camping Department ultimately decides on campsite assignment. Refunds will not be issued for groups that do not receive specific requests.

  1. Select the "Lodging" option next to the calendar.
  2. Select the Campsite you want to Reserve.
  3. Select the days you want to Reserve --> Click the Reserve Button.
  4. Repeat steps 2-3 to reserve more multiple campsites. Each campsite will hold up to 40 individuals. 
  5. Click the Checkout button. 

If you are wanting to use your Council Unit Account to pay your fees, please contact JoLynne Conrad at 720.266.2143 for assistance.

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 ❮ September 2024 ❯ 
No reservations.

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Available for Departure