Course Name - Sea Badge
Course Number - SB-65-CO-2022
When: April 2 - 3, 2022 and April 9 - 10, 2022 from 8 AM to 1 PM Mountain each day
Where: Virtual on Zoom
Colorado Sea Badge 2022 will be hosted by the Denver Area Council as a fully online course over two weekend sessions in early April 2022. The entire Sea Badge curriculum will be covered, but you won’t have to travel and the expense is minimal. We can’t guarantee a roommate who snores and while we can’t provide an uncomfortable bunk or Scout camp food, we can provide you with an opportunity to learn from experienced Sea Scouts and leaders from across BSA.
Sea Badge is your opportunity to get a broad perspective on the Sea Scout program, and to learn a lot about how to effectively work with older youth. We’ll discuss where to find resources to get your program started (including the exciting new partnership with the Coast Guard Auxiliary), what you need to know about operating a Sea Scout ship ranging from how to train your youth leaders to where to find boats to how to publicize your program. And we’ll talk about how to head off problems and what to do when the unexpected happens.
The course classroom instruction will run from 0800-1300 MTN on April 2 - 3, 2022 and April 9 - 10, 2022. Each student will be a member of a crew of 6-8 people, which will meet at least twice (at a mutually agreeable time convenient for the crew members) in March 2022, and again between April 3 and April 9 (again, at times convenient for the crew members). There will be homework between the two weekends of class.
Part of the course involves setting your personal course in Scouting and then carrying out five tasks that take you along that course. These tasks make up your “logbook” and must be completed within 18 months of the course to earn your Sea Badge pin.
The course cost is $15 to cover registration and administration. You’ll have the option of purchasing a course cap and polo shirt at additional expense, and you’ll need to obtain your Sea Badge pin from your Scout shop when you complete the course.
Sea Badge is an experience on how to guide and teach older youth, and how to succeed as a Sea Scout leader. It is not about boating or nautical skills. If you’re new to Sea Scouts, or just interested in what’s going on, it’s a great crash course in learning about our program.
Any registered leader 18 and older in any BSA program may attend, there is no requirement to be a Sea Scout leader. Youth participants who are 18 or older in Sea Scouts, Venturing and Exploring may also attend. The only prerequisite is Sea Scout Adult Leader Basic Training, which is available online.
All classes will be conducted via Zoom. Participants will need an adequate internet connection and a tablet or PC with a big enough screen that you can see materials being projected. A phone will likely prove inadequate. A webcam is a requirement, you will be expected to participate with video on during the instructional sessions. Participants should attend in uniform. Sea Scouts must wear the Official Sea Scout Uniform, participants from other BSA programs should wear the field uniform appropriate for their program.
Contact - Sea Badge Skipper - Keel Ross