DAC Keep Scouting Going - Pin Order - This promotion is over.

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In response to the Coronavirus Pandemic, the Denver Area Council (DAC) encourages Scouts of all ages to be Scout Safe throughout the crisis. The Keep Scouting Going Award (series) recognizes the unique challenge this presents to our Scouts and their families, encouraging them to live the Scout Oath and Law, even when typical Scouting activities are disrupted.


The award period ends May 31, 2021 and all entries must be submitted by June 7, 2021. Expect pins to arrive late July.


This award may be earned by Scouts of any rank by completing the appropriate requirements below while state or municipality public health orders are in effect at the Scout’s residence. All requirement completions are approved by the Scout’s parent or guardian. Upon completion of all requirements, the form is signed by the parent or guardian and submitted to the Unit Leader for approval. Once approved, the parent/guardian or Unit may pre-order the pin.

Cub Scout Requirements

Scouts BSA, Venturers and Sea Scout Requirements