Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) - RATA 2025 Registration
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Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) - RATA 2025
Registration Begins
Last Day To Register
2/22/2025 11:55 PM
10455 W. 6th Ave., Suite 100
Lakewood, CO 80215, US
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Thank you for your interest in the Scouting Target And Range Sports (STARS) training program. This program certifies you to participate in and create your own STARS program activities such as: the Rifle, Shotgun & Archery Merit Badges, helping run the ranges during camporees, Jamborees, and yes, even your own unit level events. It also supports Council & District level Cub Scout events such as BB’s, Archery, and Sling Shots.

The Greater Colorado Council created this Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) course as a companion course to the NRA Range Safety Officer (RSO) course. In the RSO course, which is a prerequisite for the SOP course, you learned to follow the SOP’s on the range you are running. This course teaches you the standard operating procedures for running ranges in the Greater Colorado Council (GCC). Note that this course is specific to GCC ranges only and will NOT certify you to run ranges in other Councils. SOP training is available for those 21yrs old and above.

The RSO training is a 4-hour classroom-based course for existing NRA Certified Range Safety Officers to learn and understand the standard operating procedures on GCC ranges. This enables you to supervise and run GCC ranges safely and effectively. You will now be authorized to check out and in equipment, set up and run GCC ranges for a variety of STARS events including unit level events. SOP certification is good for 2 years and can be renewed online by simply retaking the test.

Please arrive at least 20 minutes early to sign in and receive course materials. Park on the NE side of HQ away from the Scout Shop parking area.

Bring a pen, pencil, highlighter, and notepaper.

Please bring your own lunch, snacks, and beverages. No lunch provided

To be eligible for the 50% off, RATA Event Discount, Scouts are Trustworthy and agree to the following terms:

  • Sign up for as many of the RATA Training classes that you want to take in 2025, before or after the events you help with.
  • Actually help fun ranges at any 2 Council/District RATA events in 2025. One day at two events or two days at one event.
  • Shootzenbest, Fall Camporees, Summer Camp, Open Shoots, Merit Badges, RATA Program, Cowboy Actions, etc.
  • If for any reason you do not help, you agree to pay back all (0 days help) or half (1 day help) of the training discounts.

Course will be held at Hamilton Scout Headquarters in the Magness Conference Room.


Contact E-mail
$10.00 per RATA Event Discount
$30.00 per Regular Cost for non-Scouting participants
$20.00 per Scout leader
Cancellation Policy
Please plan ahead accordingly as there will be no refunds. To be eligible for a credit for the same course in the future, notice of cancellation must be received no less than 96 hours in advance of the course. Once we order course materials, we cannot return them.