Shotgun Basic/Instructor - RATA 2025

Shotgun Basic/Instructor - RATA 2025
Registration Begins
Last Day To Register
22799 N Elbert Rd
Elbert, CO 80106, US
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You must have successfully completed and provide proof of passing a NRA Basic Instructor Training (BIT) course within the last two (2) years prior to the start of the event. If you need BIT, please sign up for the BIT course on Thursday, June 1st and plan to spend the night at camp prior to this course. The BIT and Instructor level courses are designed to work together.

Thank you for your interest in becoming an NRA Certified Instructor (21 ) or an NRA Apprentice (13-17)/Assistant Instructor (10 -20 years old).

The NRA Shotgun instructor training includes 2 NRA courses: the Basic AND Instructor level courses.

NRA Basic Shotgun Class

This is the course you will be learning how to teach as a shotgun instructor. You will also have the authority to run Shotgun Merit Badge classes, the NRA Shotgun FIRST Steps course, and to help instruct on BSA shotgun ranges. The Basic course covers the safe and responsible use of shotguns: gun safety, parts, and operations of different types of shotguns, ammunition knowledge, selecting a shotgun that's right for you, safe storage, shooting fundamentals, care and maintenance of shotguns, and developing your marksmanship skills. Most of the class will be indoors, except when we go to the range. There will be a written and shooting test that must be passed to continue.

NRA Shotgun Instructor Course

The instructor course allows candidates to demonstrate they have the proper knowledge, skills and attitude necessary to be an NRA Shotgun instructor and teach NRA basic Shotgun first steps course. There will be a written and shooting qualification that must be passed to become an instructor. Shotgun instructor candidates will be teaching portions of the basic class back to the Training Counselors and other candidates in the classroom setting. You will also gain experience running a live fire shotgun range during the range portion of this course. These will help develop the confidence needed to succeed as an effective NRA shotgun instructor and merit badge counselor.

Supplies Required

  • All attendees must bring a signed BSA Health Form Parts A & B to participate. Participants under 18 must have a parent/guardian signature as well.
  • Adults 18 and older must bring proof of current Youth Protection Training (YPT) - this can be completed via
  • Appropriate clothing for Colorado's changing weather - shooting exercises will be conducted outside (rain or shine!)
  • Water bottle, snacks, and any medical supplies necessary
  • Eye/Ear protection (if you do not have these, let the instructor know so arrangements can be made)
  • Pen/pencil/highlighter to take notes
  • A 2" - 3" three-ring binder for class materials

DO NOT bring any guns or ammunition! These will be provided as necessary. If you wish to bring your own for qualification shoots, you must contact the lead Training Counselor ahead of time. Usage is subject to the discretion of the TC.

Lodging - Meals

All participants will be tent camping at McNeil Scout Ranch. Participants are required to provide their own camping gear (tents, sleeping bag/pad, pillow, etc.) appropriate for Colorado's changing weather conditions. Participants will have access to the shower house so please bring your toiletries, towels, soap, shampoo, etc.

Breakfast/lunch/dinner Meals for Friday & Saturday will be provided. Participants should bring their own snacks, drinks, and let us know if you have any special dietary restrictions.


The cost for the Basic and Instructor courses is $190. There is an additional cost of $15 - $60 payable to the NRA to finalize your certification. NRA members receive ~50% discount.

Arrival Details

Please allow plenty of time to drive, park, walk to class. This includes at least 15 min at camp for driving and checking in at HQ. The class is held at McNeil Scout Ranch at Peaceful Valley 22799 North Elbert Road Elbert, Colorado 80106. Turn in at the south entrance marked Gate 1 and check in at HQ. Parking will be near the dining hall on the east side, and you will have a short walk over to the dining hall where the class will be held downstairs in Gilwell Hall.

To be eligible for the 50% off, RATA Event Discount, Scouts are Trustworthy and agree to the following terms:

  • Sign up for as many of the RATA Training classes that you want to take in 2025, before or after the events you help with.
  • Actually help fun ranges at any 2 Council/District RATA events in 2025. One day at two events or two days at one event.
  • Shootzenbest, Fall Camporees, Summer Camp, Open Shoots, Merit Badges, RATA Program, Cowboy Actions, etc.
  • If for any reason you do not help, you agree to pay back all (0 days help) or half (1 day help) of the training discounts.

Please remember NRA Instructor Courses are performance based courses, Instructor Candidates must possess the knowledge, skills and attitude necessary for this level of training. You do not pay and automatically pass Instructor training. You pay to have the opportunity to pass.

Contact E-mail
$95.00 per RATA Event Discount
$285.00 per Regular Cost for non-Scouting participants
$190.00 per Scout and Scouter
Cancellation Policy
There is a firm no-refund policy and the class will be held rain or shine. Please check your calendar and plan ahead accordingly. If there is an emergency or you are sick and unable to attend, you can apply the fees toward another GCC Shooting Sports training class within one (1) year from the date of this course.