What is ILST (Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops)? Basically, ILST provides training for youth leaders so that they can experience success in their positions of responsibility in their home troops. ILST aims to explain the troop youth positions hierarchy, teach organizational skills to help Scouts find success, and demonstrate leadership skills, such as conflict management and communication skills, that Scouts can then use to lead effectively.
Why is THIS ILST unique? This ILST is being presented by a group of Older Youth in our Council - the Venturing Officers Association, the Sea Scouts Quarterdeck, and older NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training) staff members who have a great deal of experience teaching and implementing the skills covered in ILST. Also, ILST is a prerequisite for attending more advanced leadership training, such as NYLT and NAYLE. And, better yet, the training is FREE!
The class will run from 9am-noon - bring a water bottle, notebook and pen, or electronic note-taking device.